Mac Davis / I Believe in Music
Mac Davis(マック・デイビス)さんはカントリーポップ系のシンガーソングライターです。
1971年リリースの曲「I Believe in Music」(アイ・ビリーヴ・イン・ミュージック)をご紹介します。
この曲の”Music is the universal language.”(音楽は世界共通言語)っていう歌詞がイイんですよね~(*´▽`*)
ってことで、着ぐるみのインコちゃんも、着ぐるみのペンギンさんも、タカさんも、インコちゃんも楽しく一緒に歌うのでしたっヾ( ̄▽ ̄*)ノ
Mac Davis
Morris Mac Davis (born January 21, 1942) is a country music singer, songwriter, and actor, originally from Lubbock, Texas, who has enjoyed much crossover success. His early work writing for Elvis Presley produced the hits “Memories”, “In the Ghetto”, “Don’t Cry Daddy”, and “A Little Less Conversation”. A subsequent solo career in the 1970s produced hits such as “Baby, Don’t Get Hooked on Me”. He also starred in his own variety show, a Broadway musical, and various films and TV shows.